Friday, April 16, 2010

Why the Moniker "RemoteProgrammerGuru?"

For those who have wondered ... there is a story behind why I use the moniker, "RemoteProgrammerGuru."  Any identity that has as part of the name, "guru" could be considered more than a little ostentations.  Here's the definition as provided by Wikipedia:

The definition describes someone with "supreme knowledge."  Fortunately for me, the term in India is synomous with "teacher."  For me, the "term" teacher was more appropriate and the role of a teacher came as a surprise.

I was part of a project where remote programming was the technical centerpiece of a proposed solution.  Frankly, I was new to remote programming for medical devices ... as are most.  However, I have a rich telecommunications background including expertise in wireless communications.  (I was the principal investigator on two federally funded telecommunications research grants.)  I know the technologies and I know how things work. 

As it turned out, I knew more about telecommunications than my colleagues who had been working in remote programming for longer than I ... much more.  And I started teaching them, about communications and about remote programming and necessary processes to insure communication integrity.  In effect, I became a "guru," a teacher.

Finally, since remote programming when designed and implimented correctly, involves sophisticated monitoring, I decided to incorporate the term "remote programmer" to represent someone who informs people about remote monitoring and programming.  Thus the moniker, "RemoteProgrammerGuru" was created.

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